Saturday, 9 August 2014


UPDATE: The Disciples Of Zornath will be continued.

It has been a very long time since a new story has been posted. Many readers have probably assumed that this blog has died. Alas, it has. It has gone into a deep slumber for almost two years. I have often pondered this and actually thought of ending the chronicles. I have even posted about it (post taken down). However, the story of Zornath remains untold. Therefore, I will continue the series. There are three stories remaining. Following them will be a 'guide' to the world of Zornath. It will comprise of explanations of the phenomena presented in the 13 stories and their relation to Zornath, as there are no obvious ties at the moment. The secret of the widget on the right side of the page will also become disclosed. So prepare yourselves for some darkened prose!

- Flagellum